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Family Bridges Lazos de Familia

EyC Events

It is no secret that marriage is on the decline and unwed childbearing is on the rise. However, the broad economic and social implications are not as well known. Studies are showing that marriage between two parents, compared with other family living arrangements, appear to enhance children's well-being and development. During the Marriage Summit, we will explore the consequences of unwed parenting for children, the reasons for the decline of marriage within low-income communities, and why young people are increasingly choosing cohabitation. We will open the floor for people from different cultural and economic backgrounds to discuss the impact of this social trend, and will present ideas on how to build a culture of strong marriages and families.

Event Location: Midwest Conference Center, 401 W Lake St, Northlake, IL 60164

Thursday, April 28 at 9:30 AM - 3 PM

EyC Studios

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